Language statistics

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This page shows translation statistics for all message groups for a language.

Language code

Translation statistics for English (recent translations).

Message group Messages Untranslated Completion Outdated State
Commons help 3,393 1 99% 1% In progress
Help:RotateLink 26 1 96% 4% Proofreading
Documents and brochures 409 2 99% 1% Proofreading
Commons:Cultural treasures on the net brochure/text 201 2 99% 1% In progress
Interface 100 55 45% 0%
Miscellaneous templates 1,306 2 99% 1% In progress
Template:IBot/text 3 1 66% 34% In progress
Template:User internationalisation/i18n 2 1 50% 50%
Project pages 901 1 99% 1% In progress
Commons:Requests for comment/MP4 Video 59 1 98% 2% In progress
Wiki Loves Africa 499 4 99% 1%
Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2014/FAQ 57 1 98% 2% In progress
Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2014/Organizers' FAQ 71 2 97% 3% In progress
Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2015/Organizers' FAQ 64 1 98% 2% In progress
Workflow states 3 3 0% 0%
All message groups together 586 68 88% 2%