
High blood pressure?

The Answer, by Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
High blood pressure threatens life! Your body has reasons when elevating your blood pressure. Pills don't cure. Pills can't protect you from sudden fatal cardiovascular consequences. To whom benefit the high blood pressure pills? The truth about high blood pressure is held back. How you can normalize your blood pressure without pills. Links to tap the curing knowledge.

High blood pressure threatens life!

You don't feel high blood pressure. Many hypertonic patients don't even know they are suffering from it. But high blood pressure is dangerous! Every other person living in a civilized country dies from its sudden fatal consequences: Heart attack, stroke, embolism, nephroparalysis.

Your body has reasons when elevating your blood pressure

Your body has vital reasons when elevating your blood pressure: To secure the supply of its cells and organs with oxygen and energy, in spite of your narrowed capillary blood vessels, and in spite of a higher viscosity of your blood.

Pills don't cure

High blood pressure pills work to reduce your blood pressure. They work against the efforts of your body to maintain a sufficient supply of oxygen and energy, in spite of harder circumstances. That's why you feel worse when taking those pills. The pills can't cure your high blood pressure. They produce disagreeable "side effects" (because now the supply of oxygen and energy really becomes insufficient). The side effects give reason for prescribing you additional types of pills (that have again new side effects, giving reason for ... etc.).

Pills can't protect you from sudden fatal cardiovascular consequences

Pills can't protect you from sudden fatal (deadly) cardiovascular consequences. Already years ago, a large scientific long term study (over 10 years, costs US$ 115,000,000.-) on 12,866 patients with high blood pressure in the USA ended with that result. The scientists had expected to reduce the cardiovascular death rate in the treated group by 26,6 %. But the result was, after 10 years of the study, that even more hypertonic patients of the intensively treated group died, than people with high blood pressure of the control group without any treatment. In one group of the long term study - 2400 patients having high blood pressure and an abnormal rest electrocardiogram - the death rate in the intensively treated group with medications was even 65 % higher, than in the non-treated group that avoided to see any physician.
The substantial, population-wide fact is demonstrated by the mortality rate. 50 % of all deaths in the civilized countries of the "First World" still are caused by heart attack, stroke or embolism, the main consequences of high blood pressure - in spite of intensive and expensive treatments and medications, that finally prove to be useless.

To whom benefit the high blood pressure pills?

Certainly, the high blood pressure pills benefit to those who produce and sell it. The turnover is gigantic: E.g. in Germany alone, it is about 75 million EUR (= 90,000,000.- US$) - per day! In 1999, the "standard therapy of high blood pressure" was extended from 3 to 5 different medicaments, to be taken daily - by millions of Germans. At the same time, this "standard therapy" creates a second pill market by one of its "side effects": Impotency. It causes a huge demand for the new "potency pills", that are sold at enormous prices to the needy men. The "standard therapy of high blood pressure" by pills also benefits the "modern medicine". The millions of chronic hypertonic patients, their periodical checkups, their unavoidable sudden near fatal emergency cases and operations, permanently contribute an essential part (about 50 %!) to the income of the inflated medical apparatus and its affiliated branches.

The truth about high blood pressure is held back

From this economic point of view, it's no surprise that the truth about causes and curability of high blood pressure is kept a secret. Even, if the patient asks directly, only vague and partially even false information is given. Routinely, the patient is told that basically high blood pressure is incurable, the causes are unknown, that he or her have to live with the disease up to the end of their life, and that nothing happens to them if they precisely take in all the prescribed pills each day and regularly come to the periodic checkups to their doctor or hospital. (That all this isn't true, and doesn't protect from sudden fatal cardiovascular consequences and death, is also kept a secret).

How you can cure your high blood pressure

In fact, easily you can cure your high blood pressure by simple measures. Without pills, and for good. Probably, as in most cases, you will succeed to reach your normal blood pressure within only about 12 weeks. The principle is, to allow your body to normalize your blood pressure, by re-establishing the natural blood circulation conditions of your cardiovascular system. This happens, if you introduce certain changes in your daily feeding habits. On the one side, this reinforces the regeneration capacity of your body. On the other side, this enables the body to eliminate those substances, that up to now have accumulated in the walls of your cardiovascular system (especially in the basal membrane of the blood vessels and capillaries), narrowing its lumen and increasing its flow resistance. Also, the viscosity of the blood decreases, the blood becomes thinner and receives a higher oxygen capacity at the same time. Now, having no reason to pump the blood with higher pressure through the system, the body regulates back to the normal blood pressure parameters. By itself, without any pills. It's that simple.

High curing efficacy of nutritional measures

In an ongoing Hypertension Study on the Internet, we invite people who had suffered from hypertension, to report their results (the English questionnaire of the study: http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/inquiry2e.html). The newest evaluation of the study - up to now 79 participants, 58 of them with sufficient data for an evaluation - is published here (in German):


Some of the essential results are:

In case of sufficient interest of English speaking people, the Hypertension Study could be translated into English, and be published on this website. Please report interest to Dr.Schnitzer@t-online.de.

Links to tap curing knowledge

Now, the only remaining "missing links" to cure your high blood pressure are the curing knowledge and practical know how. You will find them completely, written easily to understand by everybody, with all practical hints, in the book "Hypertension, Life Threatening Risk Factor 1 Now Curable!" (128 pages). You can order it via Internet. There too you find the book review. An overview is given on the "Hypertension Crusade". Just click on the following links. The URL's:
<http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/bhd001.htm> (book review "Hypertension Causes & Cure, ..."),
<http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/hypertension-crusade.html> ("Hypertension Crusade"),
<http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/besteug1.htm> ( book order page)
Friedrichshafen, Germany, 2005 - Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer

P. S. There's a helpful English website, where users can record, track, chart and share their blood pressure readings for free: http://www.bplog.com

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© Copyright 1998-2005 (complete Site) by Dr. J. G. Schnitzer, D-88045 Friedrichshafen, Germany
Homepage: <http://www.doc-schnitzer.com>
E-Mail: <Dr.Schnitzer@t-online.de>