Commons:Meet our photographers
- See also: Commons:Meet our illustrators
Like the other projects of the Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia Commons is entirely created by volunteers. It succeeds because people all around the world recognise the benefits of using open content licenses to make their work freely available to others.
Our volunteers have varying skills and abilities. This page showcases a selection of the highly skilled photographers who choose to use open content licenses and donate their work to the Wikimedia Commons. Each photographer on this page has contributed at least 10 of our Featured Pictures.
We invite people interested in releasing their work under open content licenses to read our First steps guide, Licensing policy and Project scope.
- 1 Alain Carpentier (Acarpentier)
- 2 Joaquim Alves Gaspar
- 3 AngMoKio
- 4 archaeodontosaurus
- 5 Benh Lieu Song
- 6 Benjamin
- 7 Berthold Werner
- 8 Böhringer Friedrich (Fred)
- 9 Uwe Aranas (Cccefalon / CEphoto, Uwe Aranas)
- 10 Charles Sharp
- 11 Christian Mehlführer
- 12 Christian Ferrer
- 13 Code
- 14 Thomas Bresson
- 15 Chris Woodrich (Crisco 1492)
- 16 Der Wolf im Wald
- 17 David Iliff (Diliff)
- 18 Daniel L. Lu (dllu)
- 19 Daniel Schwen
- 20 Peter
- 21 Frank Schulenburg
- 22 George Chernilevsky
- 23 Georgios Giannopoulos (Ggia)
- 24 Gideon Pisanty (Gidip)
- 25 Godot13 (Andrew Shiva)
- 26 Holleday / H. Krisp
- 27 Ianaré Sévi
- 28 Ikiwaner
- 29 Jeevan Jose
- 30 Joe Ravi
- 31 Julian Herzog
- 32 kallerna
- 33 King of Hearts
- 34 Yoshikazu Hara (Laitche)
- 35 Luca Galuzzi
- 36 Luc Viatour
- 37 Richard Bartz aka Makro Freak
- 38 Malene Thyssen
- 39 Martin Falbisoner
- 40 Michael Maggs
- 41 Marc Ryckaert (MJJR)
- 42 Muhammad Mahdi Karim
- 43 Nick Hobgood
- 44 JJ Harrison
- 45 PierreSelim
- 46 Quartl
- 47 Rama
- 48 Derek Ramsey
- 49 Simon Koopmann
- 50 Taxiarchos228 (Wladyslaw)
- 51 Andreas Tille
- 52 Tomas Castelazo
- 53 Tuxyso
- 54 W.carter
- 55 Simo Räsänen (Ximonic)
- 56 Dietmar Rabich
- 57 Yann Forget
- 58 Masaki Ikeda (池田正樹)
- 59 Toby Hudson
Alain Carpentier (Acarpentier)
My name is Alain Carpentier and I live in the province of Quebec, in Canada. I’ve worked for 8 years for an Internet provider and software development. I am currently vice president of technology of a B2B and E-commerce company. For a number of years, I had no hobby but work. Then I discovered photography and it has become my passion. I’ve started contributing to Commons in September 2007 and have accumulated 10 promoted featured pictures. Hope to provide more in the future.
Je contribue a Commons depuis septembre 2007 et j’ai accumulé jusqu'à maintenant 10 “featured pictures”. J'espère continuer à en apporter encore plus dans le futur. |
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See more of Alain Carpentier (Acarpentier)'s work: Gallery |
Joaquim Alves Gaspar
English: My regular contributions with photos and illustrations to Commons started in 2006. Photography has been a hobby for a long time, though I’m relatively new to digital techniques. I enjoy photographing people as well as nature themes and macro photography. Like in other forms of art, interpretation of reality is an important component of Photography, through which we seek to recognize beauty and show it to others. That is true not only in artsy photos but also in more illustrative works. My first serious camera was a Canon FT, the last, a Nikon D800E. |
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I was born in 1978 and live in Germany. I started contributing to the German Wikipedia in 2004. Two years later, in 2006, I discovered Commons and started to contribute the first photos. I practise photography as a hobby for several years now and it still keeps providing me constantly with new challenges. I enjoy photographing moving objects (mostly cars) same as cities, humans, landscapes, nature and animals. Photography really is a versatile hobby and that is also why I enjoy it so much. Besides that I love to travel, which fits very well to my photography hobby. 你好。我是宏茂侨。我是德国人。我住在德国的南部。我喜欢亚洲。我学了一年的汉语。我的汉语不好。 :-) My equipment:
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My material:
Body: Sony DSLR-A850/DSLR-A350
Body: Nikon D800E |
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See more of archaeodontosaurus's work: Gallery |
Benh Lieu Song
I'm a 29 years old programmer living in Marne-la-Vallée, in the suburbs of Paris. I started photography with an Olympus D40-Z compact camera and later got into panoramas. I realised how far we can go after I came across a POD showing a panorama of Sydney harbour on english Wikipedia. I decided I could try to do the same and that instead of keeping my pictures for myself, I could give them to Wikipedia which is so useful to me. I shoot mainly landscape panoramas, with a preference for night architecture shots. I use a Canon EOS 400D most of the time with an EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 and a Canon 10-22mm f/3.5-4.5 lenses, and am very pleased with the results. I use and try to promote free softwares for post processing. They include Gimp, Hugin, Enblend, Enfuse and ImageMagick. |
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See more of Benh Lieu Song's work: Gallery |
I am studying Computer Science at Latrobe University, I’ve been contributing my images to the articles on the English Wikipedia for a few years. The majority of my photos are of wildlife local to my area and I particularly photographing birds, stitching panoramas and editing/enhancing my pictures in Photoshop - the "digital darkroom". My equipment includes: A Panasonic FZ-30 Lens: 7.4-88.8mm (35-420mm 35mm equivalent) ~ Raynox macro conversion attachment ~ Software: Photoshop CS3 |
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See more of Benjamin's work: Gallery |
Berthold Werner
Ich wurde 1957 geboren, lebe in Trier und arbeite in der IT-Abteilung eines großen deutschen Unternehmens. Zur Fotografie kam ich 1976, damals mit einer Revueflex 1000s, die mir 20 Jahre gute Dienste geleistet hat. Meine ersten Versuche mit einer Digitalkamera unternahm ich mit einer Kodak DX 6490 die aber auf Dauer meine Qualitätsansprüche nicht befriedigen konnte. Aber dank der Digitaltechnik hatte ich endlich nahezu volle Kontolle über die Bildergebnisse. Richtig aufwärts ging es mit der Anschaffung einer Pentax K10D. Ich befasse mich bislang vorwiegend mit Architektur- und Reisefotografie. Meine Arbeiten findet man unter:
und natürlich, nach Themen sortiert, unter |
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Böhringer Friedrich (Fred)
Deutsch: Mein Name ist Friedrich Karl Böhringer, geboren 1962 in Bregenz und wohnhaft in Wolfurt, Österreich. Als gelernter Tischlermeister bringe ich mich in der Entwicklung eines Schweizer Büromöbel- und Bürostuhlherstellers ein. Die Freizeit gehört zum grössten Teil meiner Familie, der auch drei Kinder angehören.
Eine innerbetriebliche Herausforderung brachte mich auf die Seiten von Wikipedia. Fortan war es mein Ziel diese Idee zu unterstützen. Nachdem ich kein Autor bin war für mich klar, dass ich die Seiten mit Bildern auffrischen könnte. So bin ich seit dem 25. Mai 2007 nahezu täglich in den Wikipedia und Wikimedia Commons unterwegs. Mein Hobby ist die Fotographie |
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D a n k e allen, die meine Bilder bewertet und kommentiert haben.
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Uwe Aranas (Cccefalon / CEphoto, Uwe Aranas)
My name is Uwe Aranas. I was born 1964 in Heidenheim, Germany. After graduating as chemical engineer, I was hired by a Technical Inspections Organization. I am earning my life as pressure vessel expert in the field of industrial safety. Work scope Statistics |
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Charles Sharp
Amateur wildlife photographer from the UK. I have been contributing for more than ten years and most of my photos illustrate articles on English Wikipedia. |
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See more of Charles Sharp's work: Gallery |
Christian Mehlführer
My name is Christian Mehlführer and I am from Vienna, Austria. I am currently working towards my PhD degree in Communications Engineering at the Vienna University of Technology.
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See more of Christian Mehlführer's work: Gallery |
Christian Ferrer
Born in 1976 in Sète (Hérault, France). Equipment:
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See more of Christian Ferrer's work: Gallery |
I'm a hobbyist photographer living in Berlin. I'm mainly interested in architectural photography. In real life I am a German board certified lawyer for copyright and media law. I've studied law in Leipzig and Rome. I'd call myself a panoramic enthusiast. Buying myself a Nodal Ninja 3 Mk II and purchasing a PTGUi Pro license were some of my better ideas. At the moment I'm trying to learn how to create spherical panoramics. I've won the first place of the international Wiki Loves Monuments contest in 2016 with this view of the Berlin regional court and of course I'm very proud of it. I'm a co-founder of the Commons Photographers User Group. My equipment:
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Thomas Bresson
Photography equipment / Matériel photo : |
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Chris Woodrich (Crisco 1492)
My name is Chris Woodrich and I am a doctorate student based out of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. I took up photography as a hobby while in high school in Canada, but only became serious about it in 2013, when I purchased my first DSLR. My photographs generally depict Indonesian culture, architecture, and landscapes, although I also enjoy taking wildlife photographs when I have the chance. My first contributions to Commons were in 2011, and since then I've uploaded several thousand images, including over a thousand photographs I've taken myself. Of these, fourteen are currently featured on Commons. My equipment:
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See more of Chris Woodrich (Crisco 1492)'s work: Gallery |
Der Wolf im Wald
My name is Thomas and I'm a 22-year-old German grown up near Cologne. Very often, I’m travelling to German cities to upload photos of architecture and cityscape. With the age of 14, I got interested in photography and started with a cheap digital camera. During this episode, my main photo subjects where trains. Two years later, I bought my first DSLR, the Canon EOS 400D. As my requirements were growing fast, I bought the Canon EOS 50D in 2009 and the Canon EOS 5D Mark II in 2010. This is my main camera until today and I am still satisfied with it. Today, I don't shoot train photos anymore. After some city breaks with my family, I discovered my passion for architecture and big cities. Since 2010, I am acting in this scope. Having finished secondary school in spring 2012, I acquired a train ticket, which allows me to take nearly every train in Germany for one year. Since then, I've been traveling throughout the country looking for photo opportunities. Since autumn 2013 I am studying economics at University of Würzburg. Therefore I will upload some images of this region in the near future.
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David Iliff (Diliff)
I'm a 34 year old Australian from Melbourne currently living in London, England. I've always enjoyed photography, messing around with video cameras and SLRs since I was a kid, but it wasn't until digital cameras started to become (relatively) affordable did I start to take photography seriously. I started off with a 3mp Kodak DC4800 in 2001, then moved up to a 5mp Nikon CP5000 in 2002 but very quickly hit the wall in terms of flexibility and in 2003, moved up in the world to a DSLR in the form of a Canon 10D when it was first released. Since then, I've built up over time a decent collection of quality Canon glass to support my I'm amused and honoured to be the apparent inspiration for Benh Lieu Song's photography. ;-) I am active mostly on the English Wikipedia but of course upload all my photographic images to the Commons for use on other Wiki Projects. My equipment includes:
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Daniel L. Lu (dllu)
I'm a hobbyist photographer in San Francisco. I am a Canadian born in 1993. I work on robot localization and perception. I usually take photos of cityscapes and some architecture. Equipment include:
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Daniel Schwen
I've been contributing to Wikipedia and related projects since November 2004. Photography is a hobby and a nice balance to my physics job. My equipment includes a Canon EOS 5D, with a Canon 24-105mm f/4.0L, a Sigma 150mm Macro, and a Powershot G3. My picture contributions include macro shots and panoramic pictures (assisted by a Nodal Ninja panoramic adapter and assembled using Hugin and Panotools). My other field of contributions involves JavaScript extensions, such as the Commons:WikiMiniAtlas. |
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I'm a Yr 12 high school student in Victoria, Australia. I live in the country and hence a lot of my photography is to do with nature. |
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See more of Peter's work: Gallery |
Frank Schulenburg
I’m a German native living in California, most interested in nature and wildlife photography. Earlier in my life, I shot film with a Nikon FM2 and at some point somehow forgot what photography meant to me. In late 2011, I rediscovered my love for taking pictures and started being a regular contributor to Wikimedia Commons. I love the arts and I believe that photographers can learn a lot from painters. Therefore, my approach to photography is highly driven by the idea of exploring light and composition. By putting a camera in front of our human eye, we learn to see things differently. It’s that joy of exploring the unexpected, of looking at shapes, colors, and textures in a different way, what makes photography so special to me. When not chasing golden hours or traveling, I’m with my wife Payton, in Mill Valley, California. |
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George Chernilevsky
I was born on May 2, 1967 on Caucasus in the city of Makhachkala. I live in Ukraine in the city of Vinnitsa now.
My main business is software engineering. Photography is only a hobby. Other interests include travel, biology and military history. My equipment includes: |
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Georgios Giannopoulos (Ggia)
My name is Georgios (born 1975), I have been contributing to Wikipedia and related projects since 2007. I have studied electrical engineering and computer science. Currently I am working as a teacher of computer in secondary education. I am passionate about black and white photography which I started working since 1993. I develop my black & white films myself but after 2005 I stopped developing photos in a dark room and I am using a film scanner to scan the negatives. The manual cameras I am using include Nikon FM2 and Leica R4 but most of the images I upload in commons are shot by a relatively recently bought (January 2009) Nikon D700 full-frame SLR camera. In my personal blog you can find mostly my black and white photographs. My Nikon D700 has also a GPS and most of my uploaded photos are geo-located. I love traveling and I like to photograph architecture and monuments. A lot of my images in commons are panoramic images created by stitching software. |
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More of my work: myGallery |
Gideon Pisanty (Gidip)
Born in Haifa (Israel), 1979. Biologist. I am a PhD student in ecology, studying bee-flower interactions. In my photos I mainly focus on macro photography of plants and insects, in an effort to bring as much as possible from the rich nature of my home country, Israel. Equipment: Nikon D7000, Sigma 150mm f/2.8 EX DG OS HSM APO Macro. |
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Godot13 (Andrew Shiva)
My first camera was a family hand-me-down Nikon F. I shot film through the late 1990s, both 35mm (Nikon) and medium format (Mamiya 645, Pentax 6x7). In 2016 I defected from Nikon digital to Cannon. I’ve experimented with medium format digital (rented) from time to time. I am open to photograph anything, but have been drawn to historical architecture, landscapes, wildlife, and aerial photography. I also have a strong interest in numismatics and digitizing rare banknotes and coins. I upload all my images to Commons, but am mostly active on English Wikipedia. My equipment:
Occasional rental equipment:
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Holleday / H. Krisp
Born in Ulm (Germany), 1974. Biologist. I’ve started contributing to Commons in June 2010. I like to take pictures of fungi, amphibians, reptiles and invertebrates. My current equipment: Body: Canon EOS 500 and Canon EOS 350 Optical: Canon 15-55 mm, Sigma 70-300 mm and Tamron 90 mm Macro |
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See also my myGallery |
Ianaré Sévi
English Français Español
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See more of Ianaré Sévi's work: Gallery |
I am an engineer born in Switzerland, now living and working in Tanzania. I am interested in many things, photography and architecture are among them.
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Jeevan Jose
I am Jeevan Jose from Kadavoor, Kerala, India. I take photos of plants and bugs; would like to contribute best of them here. Active in other projects like WikiProject Nature and conservation in India, WikiProject Tree of Life, WikiProject Plants and WikiProject Insects in Wikipedia, Malayalam Wikipedia, Wikispecies and Meta-Wiki. Works together with other similar minded people in India to attract more citizen scientists and photographers to Wikimedia. Fortunate enough to be part of the team when Wikipedia was formally presented with the highly esteemed Princess of Asturias Award for International Cooperation, honoring the Wikimedia movement vision of allowing everyone, everywhere to freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Also available at projects like Facebook, Flickr, EOL, Project Noah, India Biodiversity Portal and DiversityIndia.
Uploaded 2,044 images which includes 96 Featured Pictures, 502 Quality Images, 21 Valued Images. Among them, 118 works has been published / re-used outside Wikimedia projects. Created these galleries for those interested to learn and self identify their works: Butterflies of Kerala, Odonata of Kerala, Amphibians of Kerala and Reptiles of Kerala.
Joe Ravi
I am a telecommunications engineer and an amateur photographer. I enjoy taking photos of landscapes, architecture and animals. My photo equipment:
See all photos taken by me in my gallery. |
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Julian Herzog
Living in Stuttgart, Germany, I study aerospace engineering at the University of Stuttgart and I'm a passionate amateur in photography and 3D graphics as well as an active supporter of open source software. My activity on Commons is mostly:
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I've been contributing to Wikipedia and Commons since 2007. My first uploads were mainly low quality shots made with camera phones or pictures made by someone else than me. I got more and more excited about photography and bought my fist DSRL in 2009. I try to upload as many useful images to the project as I can, and that includes still also low quality photos as well as high quality photos created with stitching software and DSRL-camera. I'm administrator on finnish Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons.
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King of Hearts
My name is Tony Jin. I grew up in California and am now living in the New York metropolitan area. Ever since getting my first DSLR (a Nikon D40) in 2010, I have had a passion for photography. I mainly photograph landscapes and cityscapes. Currently, I use a Nikon D7000, Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 AT-X Pro DX, Nikon 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G AF-S DX VR, and Nikon 80-200mm f/4.5 AI. You can find out more about my equipment here. |
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See more of King of Hearts's work: Gallery |
Yoshikazu Hara (Laitche)
I've been contributing to Wikimedia Commons since August 2007. Living in Japan.
日本語: 2007年8月からウィキメディア・コモンズに写真を寄稿しています。これからは今までとは違ったテーマで写真をコモンズに寄稿したいと思っています。写真と合わせて映像も寄稿できればと思っています。
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Luca Galuzzi
I am LucaG, a software engineer from the Milano area, Italy. |
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See more of Luca Galuzzi's work: Gallery |
Luc Viatour
I've been contributing to French Wikipedia and related projects since August 2005. My personal site:
Body: Nikon Coolpix 5200 / Nikon FE / Nikormat FT3 / Nikon D3S / Nikon D90 Optical: Nikkor 14-24 F2,8 AFS ED / Nikkor 24-70 F2,8 AFS ED / Nikkor 70-200 F2,8 AFS ED VR2 / Nikkor 600mm f/4G AF-S ED VR2 / Nikkor 50mm F1,4 AFD / Nikkor 85mm F1,8 AFD / Sigma 150mm F2,8 DG APO Macro EX / Sigma 10-20mm F4-5,6 DC EX / Sigma 17-70mm F2,8-4,5 DC Macro / TC converter X2 Nikkor TC 20eIII and X1,4 Kenko / 2x Nikon Flash SB600 and SB900 Astronomical refractor: Vixen 103mm F1000 / super polaris equatorial mount. Since the end of 2005 I publish my image with GIMP. 21 |
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See more of Luc Viatour's work: Gallery |
Richard Bartz aka Makro Freak
Malene Thyssen
I have a M.Sc. in biology, but am currently studying to become a school teacher. I've been contributing to the Danish Wikipedia and related projects since December 2002. I am an amateur photographer. I like to photograph nature (primarily animals) and whatever motives I pass, that I think might be useful on Wikipedia. Some of my best pictures are "lucky" snapshots. I also like the work in the "digital darkroom" editing and improving my pictures. As a contributor to the Danish Wikipedia it is natural to submit my pictures on Commons hoping my pictures are of use in other Wikipedias and Wikimedia projects. Indeed this is a major motivation factor for me to go on photo safari. My equipment includes: Canon EOS 400D / Canon EOS 300D / Canon EFS 18-55mm / Canon tele lens EF 75-300mm |
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See more of Malene Thyssen's work: Gallery |
Martin Falbisoner
My name is Martin Falbisoner. I'm an historian and archivist, currently living and working near Cologne. I discovered Commons in 2012 and soon after began sharing my own photographs. I strongly believe in the notion of open content, especially in the idea of free exchange of cultural works - which I also quickly learned to rely on for professional purposes. Consequently I am gladly willing to share my own pictures with anyone who is interested in using them. Photography is just a hobby of mine and therefore I don't have to specialize in or limit myself to any specific genres. Besides sharing my photos on Commons, I also actively participate in international contests under the patronage of FIAP. I use Canon equipment, usually my EOS 5D Mark III with lenses reaching from 16mm to 400mm. My favorite RAW editor is DPP, I also use Photoshop, Hugin, ShiftN, and FixFoto. See more of my work: Featured Pictures by Martin Falbisoner. |
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Michael Maggs
After obtaining my degree in physics, I developed an interest in the law and trained as a patent and trademark attorney before completing a law degree. I retired in March 2013 after 30 years in practice (22 as a partner) with a London patent attorney firm. Photography has been a long-term hobby, and it has been gratifying to discover just how many people and organizations look to Wikimedia Commons as a source of freely-usable images. I am more than happy to help anyone who is in need of the type of image I take, either for use on Wikipedia or elsewhere. I use a Canon 5D Mk II. |
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See more of Michael Maggs’s work: Gallery |
Marc Ryckaert (MJJR)
Born in Bruges (Belgium), 1949. Historian. I started at Commons on February 4th, 2007. Preferred photographic subjects: monuments, landscapes, trains, ships, travel pictures… Equipment: during many years, I used a Leica R6 with a 28mm PC-Super-Angulon-R shift lens - which was absolutely fantastic. In january 2006, I switched to digital photography, starting with a humble Canon PowerShot A620. At present I'm mainly working with a Nikon D90 and a AF-S Nikkor 18-200mm: certainly not the best conceivable lens, but very practical during travels abroad or bicycle tours in West Flanders. |
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Muhammad Mahdi Karim
I am a 19 year old Tanzanian studying computer science in Bangalore, India. I always found photography very interesting, shooting with disposable cameras and cheap point and shoots. It was only after I joined Wikipedia and wikimedia that I took a very serious interest in photography. I bought a Nikon Coolpix and after that was nicked, invested all my savings to purchase my first dSLR. The investment was not a waste and I have been able to explore nature as I had never imagined! My portfolio mainly consists of macro photographs of arthropods and plant life and occasionally panoramics. My equipment includes:
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Nick Hobgood
Fascinated by the natural world from an early age I was fortunate to get a job in East Timor, home to some of the most diverse and abundant marine habitats. A desire to share the wondrous beauty of the coral reefs with my wife and one year old daughter, pushed me to explore underwater photography. After accumulating a number of images from this fascinating underwater environment, Wikimedia offered an excellent platform to share our marine world with others and promote greater awareness and importance of nature conservation for the benefit of future generations. Image contributions to Wikimedia include marine life from Haiti and wildlife from Democratic Republic of Congo. |
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See more of Nick Hobgood's work: [Image|Gallery] |
JJ Harrison
I'm a university student studying Engineering and Science in Tasmania, Australia. Most of my photography is of the local flora, fauna and landscapes. I have been contributing to wikipedia anonymously since late 2003 with my first registered edits in 2006. I am mostly active on the English Wikipedia, I submit my images to commons in the hope that they will be utilized across the wikipedias. |
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See more of JJ Harrison's work: Gallery |
Born in Paris in 1982, I live in Toulouse since 2002. Engineer and PhD, in computer science with a background in aeronautics, I'm a rugby amateur and photography lover, a dedicated Commonist and OTRS agent. I'm active in GLAM actions and in local actions of Wikimedia France in Toulouse. You may have had the pleasure to meet me during last Wikimania in Washington D.C.. On Commons my interests focuses on:
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I am a natural scientist from Germany, amateur photographer and by no means professional. I started using DSLRs in October 2009 and basically I'm learning by doing and by taking advice from fellow wikimedians. I like to take pictures of all things small, typically insects and plants, often in combination. My current equipment is what would probably called medium-class and consists mainly of
So far, I was able to provide 47 Featured Pictures (Commons and German Wikipedia), 361 Quality Images and 28 Valued Images. |
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For feedback or questions you can contact me on my Commons talk page. I always upload my images with maximum resolution and minimum processing, so there is nothing more I could possibly give you. |
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See also my gallery |
Greetings. I have been a sysop on en: from the 5th of May 2005 [3] and on commons: from the 29th of August 2005 [4], and Oversight on Commons since the 5th of January 2009 [5]. There is a small page to explain how to use my images. Nevertheless, do not hesitate to contact me should you have any question.
I am interested in portrait photography, and have thus documented several Nobel laureates and other notable figures (see User:Rama/people). I do a fair amount of technical photography in museums, sometimes with accreditation obtained directly, through Wikimédia France or through Wikimedia CH. I also organise or take part in photography campaigns under their aegis; you can see examples here . |
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Derek Ramsey
I am a software engineer and photographer from the Philadelphia area of Pennsylvania, USA. I've contributed to the English Wikipedia since June of 2003. I've been taking pictures since I got my first digital camera in 2004. I enjoy all types of photography, including architecture and landscapes, but find nature photography to be the most useful for Wikipedia articles. I'm passionate about photography. I enjoy taking beautiful images and making large prints. My favorite location to photograph is the wilderness of Alaska. My pictures have been published in a number of books, magazines, web sites, and other locations. I believe we should strive for the goals of the four freedoms. Equipment: Nikon D2000 and Canon Powershot S110. |
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Simon Koopmann
I've been contributing to Wikimedia Commons since 2006. Lately i started to contribute to German wikipedia as well. You can see my complete profile here. My current photo equipment:
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See more of Simon Koopmann's work: Gallery |
Taxiarchos228 (Wladyslaw)
My name is Wladyslaw (born 1975), I am contributing to Wikipedia and related projects since August 2004. I have photographed years ago with an analog single-lens reflex camera (Fujica) and started 2004 with digital photography. As I realized that my compact camera does not fit my rising pretensions any more I have changed 2006 to a digital SLR. Currently I am using a Nikon D800. • Here you can find detailed information about my equipment. I like to photograph architecture, city-skylines and landscapes. Many of my buildings I picture are towers in all variations, e.g. bell towers of churches or television towers. But I am interesting in architecture in general starting at historical buildings and going to modern architecture. I am very interested in brutalist architecture and fascinated about the combination of concrete and steel. For me it's charming and a nice challenge to detect interesting view points even of well-known buildings or landscapes and to show a new angle of vision as possible. And although I have contributed far more than 5000 picture to this project my ideas for new pictures and motives does not end. There is a lot of work still waiting to have been done. ;-) |
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Andreas Tille
I'm a physicist by profession and I'm working in the field of information sciences. My main hobby is working on Free Software in the Debian GNU/Linux Distribution where I started the Debian-Med project. My second hobby is taking nature photos. I do this in my holidays exclusively and I'm a conservative photographer that sticks to using slides for his "real photos". As a consequence some of my uploaded images are not as good as the original slide would allow because the process of digitising was done automatically via Kodak Photo CD where not every single image gets the subtlety it would deserve. In case I will find some more time I might redo some scans manually but this is nothing that will happen soon.
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See more of Andreas Tille's work: Gallery |
Tomas Castelazo
Empecé a hacer fotografía desde los 12 años. 40 años después, sigo con la cámara en mi mano, con mucha experiencia y con mucho camino por delante. La emoción de hacer fotografía el día de hoy es tan intensa como la de aquel día que sostuve mi primer cámara. English I started doing photography when I was 12 years old. 40 years later the camera is still in my hands, with a lot of experience behind me and a long road ahead. The excitement of doing photography today is just as intense as the one of that day that I held my first camera.
Visit also my personal website: and |
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See more of Tomas Castelazo's work: Gallery |
English I am an enthusiastic amateur photographer coming from the German Ruhr district in North Rhine-Westphalia. I mainly work on the illustration of regional-related articles. Besides architecture, I am interested in historic buildings and animal photography. German Ich bin leidenschaftlicher Amateur-Fotograf aus dem Ruhrgebiet in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Ein Großteil meiner Motive hat Regionalbezug. Neben Architekturaufnahmen, interessiere ich mich für historische Gebäude und Tierfotografie. Equipment:
Software: |
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Hi I'm W.carter or simply 'Cart' to some Wiki-friends, a Swedish woman. I spend most of my Wiki-time writing and editing for the English Wikipedia. If you want to know who I am, please visit my user page there. At first I just took "reporter-style" pictures for articles or uploaded free pics, but I have since gone over to taking pics just for the fun of it. (And bought a better camera.) I'll photograph just about anything I find interesting, but I'm mostly known for my "pattern photos" and "mid-sized hardware". Some of my work:
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Simo Räsänen (Ximonic)
Hello! I am Simo Räsänen, also known as Ximonic here in Commons. I am a professional visual artist from Finland, born in 1990. I graduated in Lapland, Northern Finland, albeit nowadays living in the south. As an artist I am mostly doing digital paintings. As a contributor to Wikimedia projects I am most active in Wikimedia Commons and the Finnish language version of Wikipedia where I joined back in 2008. In Commons I like to submit some of my photographs and organize existing media. I think, quite many people here know me especially from my landscapes of Norway. In Wikipedia I help with various articles and write new ones. |
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Dietmar Rabich
Deutsch: Mein Name ist Dietmar Rabich, hier bei Wikimedia Commons auch XRay. Ich lebe im Münsterland, einer Region in Nordrhein-Westfalen in Deutschland. Fotografieren ist mein Hobby, welches bis in die analogen Zeiten zurückgeht. Am liebsten lichte ich Architektur, Landschaften und technische Dinge ab.
Die Diapositiv- und die Negativfilme der analogen Zeit erzwangen eine strenge Auswahl, bei der viele schöne Bilder entstanden, andere dafür leider gar nicht erst. Auch wenn die Nachbearbeitung kaum Chancen hatte, gerade aber diese Bilder haben einen historischen Wert und ihren Platz hier bei Wikimedia Commons, um die Zeit auch für andere nutzbar zu dokumentieren. Die Fotografie mit digitalen Mitteln erlaubt die Anfertigung umfassenderen Bildmaterials. Die Nachbearbeitung ermöglicht die Qualitätsverbesserung, die Optimierung. Eine gute Voraussetzung für Bilder, die es lohnt, hier auch anderen zur Verfügung zu stellen.English: My name is Dietmar Rabich, also known as XRay in Wikimedia Commons. I'm living in the Münsterland, a region in the state North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. One of my passions is taking photos. My favorite photo scenes are architectures, landscapes and technical objects.
Slides and negative films in the analog time enforced a strict selection of the pictures. So only some beautiful pictures were taken, others were never made. Even post-processing was nearly impossible, but these pictures only have historical value. Thus, Wikimedia Commons is a good place for them since they document history for everyone. Digital photography allows the creation of comprehensive picture material. The post-processing enables quality improvement and optimization. A good precondition for images that are worthwhile to make them available to others. |
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Yann Forget
Born in France in 1965, contributing on Commons since the beginning of the project. I currently live in India where I work for Ekta Parishad. This gives me unique opportunities to take pictures and videos of Indian people, society, culture and environment. I have always been attracted by the free software, and then the free content movement. I contribute to Wikipedia since December 2002. I am the creator of Wikilivres, another wiki for sharing free documents. I have now a Nikon D7000. |
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Masaki Ikeda (池田正樹)
Hello I've been contributing to Wikimedia Commons since Sep. 2007. Living in Saitama. It is about 30km north of Tokyo, Japan. I decide we from Sep. 2007 and contribute a photograph to Deer Commons. Spider and the photograph of the insects such as a flower or the butterfly is important.
日本語: 2007年からウィキメディア・コモンズに写真を寄稿しています。 蜘蛛や花や蝶などの写真が主です。 埼玉県さいたま市在住です
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Toby Hudson
I am an amateur photographer from Australia, and enjoy taking photos of Australian animals, architecture, landscapes, and my kids. All but my kids are shared with the friendly users of Wikimedia Commons. I hope you enjoy the colours of my sunburnt country as much as I enjoy sharing them with you. I started using a Canon EOS 400D in August 2008, and it's still doing good service. I've finally bitten the bullet and added an expensive lens to my kit, a Canon EF 100mm 2.8L Macro IS USM. So far I like it a lot. See more of my photos in my Gallery |
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