Hypertension = "Russian Roulette"?
(Contributions to Dr.
Schnitzer's Health Secrets Forum, May 1999 - April 2000)
(Beiträge zu Dr. Schnitzer's
Gesundheits-Forum, Mai 1999 - April 2000)
Hypertension = "Russian Roulette"?
Dear friends of this forum,
a certain instability of the forum program caused me - at last, after several
repair efforts - to renew the forum completely and to start it new. Nothing
of the former contributions is lost - you find them all, organized by topics,
on the Health Forum Documentation (see link group at the head of this forum).
Some of the contributions between 17 March and 6 April 2000 are not yet
transferred to there; this will be done within the next days. Those that
need yet an answer, will get that on the Health-Forum-Documentation. So
far an e-mail address of the sender is given, I will send a personal e-mail
as soon as the answer is put there.
Please, feel very welcome, to put your question and to report your experience
on this forum. This will encourage many others, who still are suffering
from some of the hundreds of different civilization ailments, to take their
fate into their own hands and to reconquer their natural strong health
and vitality, no matter at which age. So long as there is life in the body,
nearly everything is possible. Even above an age of 80+, the capacity of
biological regeneration is overwhelming - when the body is supplied with
new life by genetically man-appropriate, undenaturated, natural, vital
foodstuffs as described on this Site.
Especially, I invite you to participate in the "Hypertension Crusade" initiated
on this site (see link below). Hypertension is the Risk factor No 1, to
get - and to die from - one of the cardiovascular diseases. This happens
to about 50 % of the population in most countries of the world. Its main
causes are as well main causes of most of the other civilization ailments
(e.g. risk of people with hypertension to get diabetes II is more than
double compared to people with normal blood pressure; those who take beta-blockers
to treat their hypertension, additionally increase their risk to get diabetes
II on top by 28 %).
To ignore hypertension or - instead of curing it - to treat it by pills
with all their side effects, would mean the same risk as to play "Russian
Roulette" with a gun, that is 50 % loaded with bullets. You shouldn't do
that - and you should warn your friends as well not to do that. The "Hypertension
Crusade" provides with all knowledge and practical know-how, enabling you
and your friends to leave the cardiovascular risk zone, and to normalize
your blood pressure without pills.
Question: Do you already know what will be your first action? And when
you will start it?
Sincerely yours
Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer
Link für neuen Beitrag: Dr.
Schnitzer's Gesundheits-Forum
In case you want to answer to an article
of this document, please go to Dr.
Schnitzer's Health Secrets Forum, and mention
the topic and its author in the beginning of your contribution.
Wenn Sie auf einen Artikel dieses Dokuments antworten wollen, gehen Sie
bitte in das aktuelle Dr.
Schnitzer's Health Secrets Forum, und geben einleitend das Thema des
Beitrags und dessen Verfasser an, auf welche Sie sich in Ihrem Beitrag
zum Forum beziehen.
Friedrichshafen, Germany, im Jahr 2003, Dr. Johann Georg
/ http://www.dr-schnitzer.de