
Do your friends a favor.

Today nearly everybody is struggling with health problems, chronic complaints or problems of fitness, and not succeeding in most cases, in spite of permanent treatments. Why? Because it's an error, that fighting the negative (e.g. diseases) automatically would leave over the positive (health). In a lot of cases even the patient him- or herself  is not left over, because not having survived the fights. 
     A more successful procedure would be to reestablish the fundamental preconditions of health. Where a powerful natural health develops, thousands of possible diseases, complaints, ailments and degeneration don't have many chances. 
     Unfortunately our "modern medicine" is knowing only a lot about treating diseases. However, like well treated guests, they like to stay and even bring their companions (so called "later consequences", "side effects" etc.) into the "diseases guesthouse" (our body). About health and it's preconditions, knowledge of "modern medicine" is rather poor. Partially even they ignore or neglect the considerable knowledge treasure existing already. It is not their topic. For them health is something negative: "Findings negative" means: "nothing found to treat". 
     Who is already chronically sick (e.g. obese, hypertonic, diabetic) and wants to recapture health, and also who doesn't want to lose health and wishes to maintain fitness and vigor, needs to tap this treasure of knowledge. This is what I offer with my "Dr.Schnitzer's Health Secrets Service", a treasure collected within more than 4 decades of research, studies, developments and practical experiences. 
     If you want to do your friends a favor - please inform them, by adding the Internet address of this file <http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/linkdrs3.html> to your E-mails, by adding the small connecting Icon below to (or reconstruct it - it's just a one cell table, on) your homepage, or by adding the grafics or one of the banners below.

Thanks for your cooperation - Sincerely yours

Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer

Zeppelinstr. 88, D-88045 Friedrichshafen, Deutschland - Germany
Fax: +49 (0)7541-398561,   E-mail: Dr.Schnitzer@t-online.de
Internet:   http://www.doc-schnitzer.com


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P.S. an interesting site:
cure of hypertension without pills,
and more health information


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(what your doctor isn't telling you)
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Hypertension Crusade http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/hypertension-crusade.html
Hypertension Causes & Cure http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/bhd001.htm
Diabetes Secrets http://www.doc-schnitzer.com/diabetes-secrets-expl.html
Diabetes Causes & Cure http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/diabetes-cure-book.htm
Health Searchengine http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/intrasearch.html
Booklist + order form http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/besteug1.htm
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Recommendation: Visit the Internet Site
Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer's
Health Secrets Service
Information normally out of reach -
discoveries which can be decisive to your health.
Cure of hypertension without pills in only weeks
Natural cure of obesity by health
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