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MP nature.png Natura
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MP science.png Scientia
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Imagine del die
Imagine del die
Skógafoss July 2014.JPG
Skógafoss is a waterfall situated on the Skógá River in the south of Iceland at the cliffs of the former coastline. After the coastline had receded seaward (it is now at a distance of about 5 kilometres (3.1 miles) from Skógar), the former sea cliffs remained, parallel to the coast over hundreds of kilometres, creating together with some mountains a clear border between the coastal lowlands and the Highlands of Iceland.  

+/− (ia), +/− (en)

Multimedia del die
Hodie in imagines
Donation del Bibliotheca Statal de Queensland
Northern end of the State Library of Queensland.jpg

Le Bibliotheca Statal de Queensland ha donate 50.000 photographias libere de copyright que documenta aspectos del historia de Queensland. Nos require adjuta pro categorisar le imagines, e pro completar e reformular le descriptiones del imagines. Tu pote leger como adjutar hic.

Le melior

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