
Hypertension Study

The Answers of Participant 14 (Mr. BL, 72 years)

on the Questionnaire http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/inquiry2e.html

for a Study about Efficacy and Compliance of Hypertension Cure Measures
according to the book "Hypertension Causes & Cure"
by Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer

1) My Hypertension Story before

Question Answer
Before I started to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations, I was suffering from hypertension for: 1 year
My average blood pressure before starting any medication was (usually measured after rest in Millimeters/Mercury = mm/Hg, e.g.; "normal" blood pressure = 125/85 mm/Hg): 170/100
My complaints before starting medication were (please describe in your words): No complaints. I liked to combine medication with change in nutrition
At last, before starting with Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations, the prescribed medication was:
Remedy to take x times/day
Ternormin 1
Zocord 1
With this medication, and before starting to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations, my blood pressure was (in millimeters/mercury = mm/Hg): 140/85
My complaints under this medication were (please describe in your words): No complaints. After one year of medication and improved nutrition my blood pressure is now 127/70 at my age of 72. I also drink a couple of glasses of red wine each day and walk briskly 7 kilometers every second day. I will not stop the medication as I experience no side effects what so ever.

2) My Start-up with Dr. Schnitzer's Recommendations:

I started to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations:

1 year ago

In details, I started to practice: Answer
For breakfast Mueslis from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains, with fresh fruits and nuts
daily sometimes never

Lunch and dinner salads from green leaves and raw root vegetables

daily sometimes never
Adding germinated pulses (chickpeas, lentils, mungbeans) to the salads
daily sometimes never
Eating fruits (apples, pears, pineapples etc.)
daily sometimes never
Eating wholemeal-bread made from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains
daily sometimes never


... Avoiding: Answer
Avoiding meat, chicken, fish
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding milk, milk products, and eggs
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, products with)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled vegetables (exception: steamed potatoes)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled or canned fruits, and fruit juices (including freshly pressed ones!)
fully mostly still consuming

3) My doctors' support:

My doctor supported me in this new therapy
fully not much not at all
My doctor's comments were: "Continue medication and live with healthy diet"
I searched and found another doctor:
Yes No
If the answer before was "Yes": My new doctor supported me in this new therapy
fully not much not at all
The (if any) new doctor's comments were:  


(Small blood lettings, accelerating the cure of hypertension. A series of blood lettings consists of 6-10 times, once per week, taking about 80-100 milliliters, not nore; aber that a pause of 12 weeks; if necessary another series).

I had blood lettings to support the cure of my hyoertension:
Yes No
In details (if at all) I had these blood lettings:
1. Series x times 2. Series x times 3. Series x times

4) Changes in my blood pressure and health:

Frage Antwort
My average blood pressure in the following was (after resting, in mm/Hg):
after 4 weeks 160/95
after 8 weeks 150/90
after 12 weeks 150/80
The medication I stopped as follows (if stopped immediately, please put "after 0 week(s)":
Remedy after x weeks
The following changes in my health I remarked, after having started to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations (please describe in your words): No stop of medication

5) How I am now:

Presently, my nutrition is composed as follows:

Eating: Answer
For breakfast Mueslis from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains, with fresh fruits and nuts
daily sometimes never

Lunch and dinner salads from green leaves and raw root vegetables

daily sometimes never
Adding germinated pulses (chickpeas, lentils, mungbeans) to the salads
daily sometimes never
Eating fruits (apples, pears, pineapples etc.)
daily sometimes never
Eating wholemeal-bread made from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains
daily sometimes never


... Avoiding: Answer
Avoiding meat, chicken, fish
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding milk, milk products, and eggs
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, products with)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled vegetables (exception: steamed potatoes)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled or canned fruits, and fruit juices (including freshly pressed ones!)
fully mostly still consuming
Presently, my average blood pressure is (measured after resting in mm/Hg): 130/70

Final remarks about my experience with this change in my life:

"Your recommendations are ok, but medication is still important to live risk free"




This patient's doctor found a smart compromise that could allow both of them to survive, the doctor financially and the patient physically: "Continue medication and live with healthy diet" - but at the same time not supporting the patient too much with the nutritional side of the coin.

Consequently the patient, not realizing the cleverness behind the doctor's advice, applied the nutritional recommendations of the book "Hypertension Causes & Cure" only at about 50 % - enjoying at the same time life and "a couple of glasses of red wine each day" (I feel sorry for his liver!), and trying to compensate the remaining nutritional faults and deficiencies by "... and walk briskly 7 kilometers every second day".

By that mixture of right and wrong, the patient brought his blood pressure down (but still under medication) to 130/70 mm/Hg). He's convinced: "Your recommendations are ok, but medication is still important to live risk free."

What a false hope, to rely on medication to live risk-free:

Already in the year 1982, the results of an American-Canadian long-term study, in which 22 clinical centers were involved, with 12,866 high-risk hypertonic patients - half of them (the intervention group) treated with all medication, exercises and a diet "poor in fat and calories" (means but rich in protein), the other half of them (the control group) continuing their life as before - were shocking the scientists who had carried out the study. They had forecasted a reduction of 26,6 % of lethal events in the intervention group. But the medical intervention resulted in 65 % higher lethal (deadly) events in the intervention group, compared to the control group, who didn't get any medical treatment and advice at all! (Reported by "Der Spiegel", No. 39/1982, pages 248-249, Hamburg, Germany).

Friedrichshafen,Germany, in the year 2004  Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer

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