
Hypertension Study

The Answers of Participant 15 (Mr. AH, 65 years)

on the Questionnaire http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/inquiry2e.html

for a Study about Efficacy and Compliance of Hypertension Cure Measures
according to the book "Hypertension Causes & Cure"
by Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer

1) My Hypertension Story before

Question Answer
Before I started to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations, I was suffering from hypertension for: 15 years
My average blood pressure before starting any medication was (usually measured after rest in Millimeters/Mercury = mm/Hg, e.g.; "normal" blood pressure = 125/85 mm/Hg): 190/110
My complaints before starting medication were (please describe in your words):  
At last, before starting with Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations, the prescribed medication was:
Remedy to take x times/day
Captopril 1
Metroprolol 1
Felodipine 2
Simvastatin 1
Hydrochlorothiazide 1
With this medication, and before starting to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations, my blood pressure was (in millimeters/mercury = mm/Hg): 165/85
My complaints under this medication were (please describe in your words): Bloating, lethargy, shortness of breath

2) My Start-up with Dr. Schnitzer's Recommendations:

I started to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations:

6 months ago

In details, I started to practice: Answer
For breakfast Mueslis from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains, with fresh fruits and nuts
daily sometimes never

Lunch and dinner salads from green leaves and raw root vegetables

daily sometimes never
Adding germinated pulses (chickpeas, lentils, mungbeans) to the salads
daily sometimes never
Eating fruits (apples, pears, pineapples etc.)
daily sometimes never
Eating wholemeal-bread made from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains
daily sometimes never


... Avoiding: Answer
Avoiding meat, chicken, fish
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding milk, milk products, and eggs
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, products with)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled vegetables (exception: steamed potatoes)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled or canned fruits, and fruit juices (including freshly pressed ones!)
fully mostly still consuming

3) My doctors' support:

My doctor supported me in this new therapy
fully not much not at all
My doctor's comments were: "It seems to be working, no objection"
I searched and found another doctor:
Yes No
If the answer before was "Yes": My new doctor supported me in this new therapy
fully not much not at all
The (if any) new doctor's comments were:  


(Small blood lettings, accelerating the cure of hypertension. A series of blood lettings consists of 6-10 times, once per week, taking about 80-100 milliliters, not nore; aber that a pause of 12 weeks; if necessary another series).

I had blood lettings to support the cure of my hyoertension:
Yes No
In details (if at all) I had these blood lettings:
1. Series x times 2. Series x times 3. Series x times

4) Changes in my blood pressure and health:

Frage Antwort
My average blood pressure in the following was (after resting, in mm/Hg):
after 4 weeks 165/80
after 8 weeks 160/75
after 12 weeks 160/70
The medication I stopped as follows (if stopped immediately, please put "after 0 week(s)":
Remedy after x weeks
Captopril 0
Metroprolol 0
Felodipine 0
Simvastatin 0
Hydrochlorothiazide 0
The following changes in my health I remarked, after having started to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations (please describe in your words): Lost twenty pounds, have better digestion, no bloating, constipation cured, blood pressure greatly improved without medication.

5) How I am now:

Presently, my nutrition is composed as follows:

Eating: Answer
For breakfast Mueslis from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains, with fresh fruits and nuts
daily sometimes never

Lunch and dinner salads from green leaves and raw root vegetables

daily sometimes never
Adding germinated pulses (chickpeas, lentils, mungbeans) to the salads
daily sometimes never
Eating fruits (apples, pears, pineapples etc.)
daily sometimes never
Eating wholemeal-bread made from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains
daily sometimes never


... Avoiding: Answer
Avoiding meat, chicken, fish
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding milk, milk products, and eggs
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, products with)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled vegetables (exception: steamed potatoes)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled or canned fruits, and fruit juices (including freshly pressed ones!)
fully mostly still consuming
Presently, my average blood pressure is (measured after resting in mm/Hg): 157/60

Final remarks about my experience with this change in my life:

(See above). -I haven't started the blood letting yet to avoid the expense of visiting a doctor. I'll start when I am able to do it myself or have someone do it for me for low fee.




For 15 years, this patient had to suffer from hypertension (190/110 without medication). Despite 4 different hypertension medications prescribed to him, one of them even to take twice per day, this treatment didn't cure him - even it didn't "normalize" his blood pressure, remaining still at 165/85 mm/Hg. The "main effects" of the medication were its side effects: "Bloating, lethargy, shortness of breath."

Within 6 months, from the beginning all medication stopped, and following only about 70 % of the nutritional recommendations from the book "Hypertension Causes & Cure", the patient could bring his blood pressure down to 157/60 mm/Hg. He's planning to start the blood lettings as soon as he can afford it financially. (My advice: Cheaper, and for a long-range success even more effective, would be to apply the nutritional advices at a higher level, e.g. between 90 and 100 %).

Even up to now, the improvement of the patient's health is remarkable: "Lost twenty pounds, have better digestion, no bloating, constipation cured, blood pressure greatly improved without medication."

His doctor, although not supporting him much, at least stated: "It seems to be working - no objection." That's already much, compared to most of the other doctors.

Friedrichshafen,Germany, in the year 2004  Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer

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