
Hypertension Study

The Answers of Participant 18 (Mrs. JU, 73 years)

on the Questionnaire http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/inquiry2e.html

for a Study about Efficacy and Compliance of Hypertension Cure Measures
according to the book "Hypertension Causes & Cure"
by Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer

1) My Hypertension Story before

Question Answer
Before I started to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations, I was suffering from hypertension for: Diagnosed 10 months ago
My average blood pressure before starting any medication was (usually measured after rest in Millimeters/Mercury = mm/Hg, e.g.; "normal" blood pressure = 125/85 mm/Hg): 229/99
My complaints before starting medication were (please describe in your words): Palpitations, irregular heart beat and the occasional nose bleed, but I had those also in childhood.
At last, before starting with Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations, the prescribed medication was:
Remedy to take x times/day
Atenolol 25 mg 1
With this medication, and before starting to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations, my blood pressure was (in millimeters/mercury = mm/Hg): 222/97
My complaints under this medication were (please describe in your words): No change, but my Dr. wanted to increase my medication to 50 mg daily. I objected and went to see a homeopathic doctor in London who prescribed Sepia 30, 3 months ago.

2) My Start-up with Dr. Schnitzer's Recommendations:

I started to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations:

2 months ago

In details, I started to practice: Answer
For breakfast Mueslis from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains, with fresh fruits and nuts
daily sometimes never

Lunch and dinner salads from green leaves and raw root vegetables

daily sometimes never
Adding germinated pulses (chickpeas, lentils, mungbeans) to the salads
daily sometimes never
Eating fruits (apples, pears, pineapples etc.)
daily sometimes never
Eating wholemeal-bread made from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains
daily sometimes never


... Avoiding: Answer
Avoiding meat, chicken, fish
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding milk, milk products, and eggs
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, products with)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled vegetables (exception: steamed potatoes)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled or canned fruits, and fruit juices (including freshly pressed ones!)
fully mostly still consuming

3) My doctors' support:

My doctor supported me in this new therapy
fully not much not at all
My doctor's comments were: A big laugh. Though she was impressed with the Sepia and wrote it down, but she took no notice when I told her that it was the diet that kept my B/P down. I will bring her your book on hypertension, perhaps she will take a closer look.
I searched and found another doctor:
Yes No
If the answer before was "Yes": My new doctor supported me in this new therapy
fully not much not at all
The (if any) new doctor's comments were:  


(Small blood lettings, accelerating the cure of hypertension. A series of blood lettings consists of 6-10 times, once per week, taking about 80-100 milliliters, not nore; aber that a pause of 12 weeks; if necessary another series).

I had blood lettings to support the cure of my hyoertension:
Yes No
In details (if at all) I had these blood lettings:
1. Series x times 2. Series x times 3. Series x times

4) Changes in my blood pressure and health:

Frage Antwort
My average blood pressure in the following was (after resting, in mm/Hg):
after 4 weeks 135/66
after 8 weeks 133/61
after 12 weeks  
The medication I stopped as follows (if stopped immediately, please put "after 0 week(s)":
Remedy after x weeks
Atenolol before I started
Sepia 300 (homeopathic) 4
The following changes in my health I remarked, after having started to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations (please describe in your words): I have no more palpitations or irregular heart beats. I feel happier than I have done for a long time. I have more energy.

5) How I am now:

Presently, my nutrition is composed as follows:

Eating: Answer
For breakfast Mueslis from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains, with fresh fruits and nuts
daily sometimes never

Lunch and dinner salads from green leaves and raw root vegetables

daily sometimes never
Adding germinated pulses (chickpeas, lentils, mungbeans) to the salads
daily sometimes never
Eating fruits (apples, pears, pineapples etc.)
daily sometimes never
Eating wholemeal-bread made from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains
daily sometimes never


... Avoiding: Answer
Avoiding meat, chicken, fish
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding milk, milk products, and eggs
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, products with)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled vegetables (exception: steamed potatoes)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled or canned fruits, and fruit juices (including freshly pressed ones!)
fully mostly still consuming
Presently, my average blood pressure is (measured after resting in mm/Hg): 113/49

Final remarks about my experience with this change in my life:

I did not have to change my diet a lot as I have not eaten any fish, meat, eggs or poultry for over 30 years. We always had a bowl of salads in the evening and fruit in the morning. I only ate German rye bread, but now I bake my own bread with organic wheatflour milled at home just before baking. And I have sprouted organic grains and pulses. I don't drink or smoke, but I miss my home made chocolates.




Suffering from hypertension for an unknown long time, the patient's high blood pressure didn't react much on the hypertension medication. Her doctor wanted to go the usual way of the "modern medicine" by increasing the dosage of the ineffective drug - instead of asking himself for the reason of the patient's body, not to react. The patient herself but objected, went to see a homeopathic doctor and changed her nutrition, following the recommendations at about 77 %. Within only 8 weeks, her blood pressure had normalized (133/61 mm/Hg). Increasing her percentage of applying the recommended nutrition to about 90 %, she reached her naturally low individual blood pressure of 113/49 mm/Hg. "I have no more palpitations or irregular heart beats. I feel happier than I have done for a long time. I have more energy."

Especially interesting in this case: Already before, the patient was a vegetarian: "I did not have to change my diet a lot as I have not eaten any fish, meat, eggs or poultry for over 30 years." But the small changes she had to do were just the decisive ones!

The doctors' appearance in this case: Unfortunately as usual, mentally conditioned by the "ruling medical dogma", perceiving only what they wanted to perceive. By that, they were unable to learn from this case what could have helped them to cure other cases too.

Friedrichshafen,Germany, in the year 2004  Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer

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