
Hypertension Study

The Answers of Participant 19 (Mr. PCS, 33 years)

on the Questionnaire http://www.dr-schnitzer.de/inquiry2e.html

for a Study about Efficacy and Compliance of Hypertension Cure Measures
according to the book "Hypertension Causes & Cure"
by Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer

1) My Hypertension Story before

Question Answer
Before I started to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations, I was suffering from hypertension for: 12 years
My average blood pressure before starting any medication was (usually measured after rest in Millimeters/Mercury = mm/Hg, e.g.; "normal" blood pressure = 125/85 mm/Hg): 212/140
My complaints before starting medication were (please describe in your words): Headaches, blurry vision
At last, before starting with Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations, the prescribed medication was:
Remedy to take x times/day
Clonodine 1
Zestril 1
Tiazac 1
Hydrochlothiazide 2
Adalat 1
With this medication, and before starting to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations, my blood pressure was (in millimeters/mercury = mm/Hg): 212/160
My complaints under this medication were (please describe in your words): Same as before the medication, plus general weakness and fatigue. Too many medications and my blood pressure was still not under control.

2) My Start-up with Dr. Schnitzer's Recommendations:

I started to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations:

8 months ago

In details, I started to practice: Answer
For breakfast Mueslis from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains, with fresh fruits and nuts
daily sometimes never

Lunch and dinner salads from green leaves and raw root vegetables

daily sometimes never
Adding germinated pulses (chickpeas, lentils, mungbeans) to the salads
daily sometimes never
Eating fruits (apples, pears, pineapples etc.)
daily sometimes never
Eating wholemeal-bread made from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains
daily sometimes never


... Avoiding: Answer
Avoiding meat, chicken, fish
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding milk, milk products, and eggs
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, products with)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled vegetables (exception: steamed potatoes)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled or canned fruits, and fruit juices (including freshly pressed ones!)
fully mostly still consuming

3) My doctors' support:

My doctor supported me in this new therapy
fully not much not at all
My doctor's comments were: I got the book after being fed up with doctor after doctor prescribing me one pill after another, and none of them working. I have not had significant weight loss, maybe 20-30 lbs and the doctor seems to think that this is the reason for the normalization of my pressure. I was under the care of a cardiolologist when I began the lifestyle change, I never told him that I had stopped taking my meds and finally changed doctors after he could no longer assist me.
I searched and found another doctor:
Yes No
If the answer before was "Yes": My new doctor supported me in this new therapy
fully not much not at all
The (if any) new doctor's comments were: My current doctor does not believe me when I tell him how in 9 months I corrected it, he is looking at my files with disbelief.


(Small blood lettings, accelerating the cure of hypertension. A series of blood lettings consists of 6-10 times, once per week, taking about 80-100 milliliters, not nore; aber that a pause of 12 weeks; if necessary another series).

I had blood lettings to support the cure of my hyoertension:
Yes No
In details (if at all) I had these blood lettings:
1. Series x times 2. Series x times 3. Series x times

4) Changes in my blood pressure and health:

Frage Antwort
My average blood pressure in the following was (after resting, in mm/Hg):
after 4 weeks  
after 8 weeks  
after 12 weeks 160/95
The medication I stopped as follows (if stopped immediately, please put "after 0 week(s)":
Remedy after x weeks
Clonodine 2
Zestril 2
Tiazac (2)
Hydrochlothiazide (2)
Adalat (2)
The following changes in my health I remarked, after having started to follow Dr. Schnitzer's recommendations (please describe in your words): Feeling of over all health, stopped night sweats, no long show signs of sleep apnea :) no more machine! Weight loss is slow, but not looking for loss, just tone, no more headaches.

5) How I am now:

Presently, my nutrition is composed as follows:

Eating: Answer
For breakfast Mueslis from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains, with fresh fruits and nuts
daily sometimes never

Lunch and dinner salads from green leaves and raw root vegetables

daily sometimes never
Adding germinated pulses (chickpeas, lentils, mungbeans) to the salads
daily sometimes never
Eating fruits (apples, pears, pineapples etc.)
daily sometimes never
Eating wholemeal-bread made from germinable, freshly ground cereal grains
daily sometimes never


... Avoiding: Answer
Avoiding meat, chicken, fish
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding milk, milk products, and eggs
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding refined carbohydrates (sugar, white flour, products with)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled vegetables (exception: steamed potatoes)
fully mostly still consuming
Avoiding boiled or canned fruits, and fruit juices (including freshly pressed ones!)
fully mostly still consuming
Presently, my average blood pressure is (measured after resting in mm/Hg): 120/85

Final remarks about my experience with this change in my life:

You have changed my life. I have lived with this disease for over 12 years and feel the weight of the meds off my shoulders. I have shared my experiences with many friends who have diabetes, hypertension and general obesity. You are a life saver, thanks. P.C.S., 33 years.




This young man was suffering for 12 years from hypertension, starting when he just had become 21 years old. Despite his doctor filled him up with 5 different hypertension drugs, each of them to take once per day, one even twice per day, the blood pressure remained at 212/160 mm/Hg!

The complaints before medication (headaches, blurry vision) too remained, despite medication, and even became increased by the "side-effects" of the medication itself: General weakness and fatigue. The patient's comments: "Too many medications and my blood pressure was still not under control."

Finally, the patient started his own investigation and found my book "Hypertension Causes & Cure". His doctors' support: "Not at all". The patient's comment: "I got the book after being fed up with doctor after doctor prescribing me one pill after another, and none of them working. I have not had significant weight loss, maybe 20-30 lbs, and the doctor seems to think that this is the reason for the normalization of my pressure. I was under the care of a cardiologist when I began the lifestyle change. I never told him that I had stopped taken my meds and finally changed doctors after he could no longer assist me." The patient continues: "My current doctor doesn't believe me when I tell him how in 9 months I corrected it, he is looking at my files with disbelief."

Following the nutritional recommendations of the book by only 55,6 %, the patient reached without medication within 9 months, what his doctors couldn't reach with plenty of medications within 12 years: A completely normal blood pressure of 120/85 mm/Hg!

It's "prevention and cure from diseases by health", what's the principle behind this success. The patient reports: "Feeling of over all health, stopped night sweats, no longer show signs of sleep apnea :) no more machine! Weight loss is slow, but not looking for loss, just tone, no more headaches", and continues with final remarks: "You have changed my life. I have lived with this disease for over 12 years and feel the weight of the meds off my shoulders. I have shared my experiences with my friends who have diabetes, hypertension and general obesity. You are a life saver, thanks."

What does this experience say about the "modern medicine"? If the "modern medicine" would be a science, and doctors would be scientists, they would have become very interested, very curious to find out, how this patient could cure himself without medication, what they weren't able to cure despite prescribing plenty of medication - hoping it could become helpful for treating more successful their other uncountable numbers of hypertonic patients.

But the doctors weren't interested, not even curious: "My current doctor does not believe me when I tell him how in 9 months I corrected it. He is looking at my files with disbelief."

The words "not believe" and "disbelief" are the keywords. The doctors don't believe what even they see by their own eyes: The case documentation file with all parameters in it, and the cured patient. But they believe what the "medical dogma" is telling them to believe: That hypertension should be incurable, but could be successfully treated with hypertension medication. They believe this, even seeing by their own eyes from the case documentation file the failure of that medication during 12 years, and the cure of the same patient without medication within 9 months!

By that, obviously the "modern medicine" proves itself not to be a science, where the observable and repeatable facts would be relevant, but to be a type of religion with a dogma, where the belief in it is essential.

This principle of belief even is very successfully transferred to the public, to believe in the "modern medicine". It's done by all means of PR (public relations activities), by TV hospital series, by reports about heroic treatments of heroic patients. The result: Especially the English speaking people now believe in the "modern medicine" more than they believe in God! The German speaking populations already have become much more skeptical in regard to the abilities and intentions of the medical system. An increasing number of them prefer to maintain their health and to cure their diseases in a more natural way. Like "brainwashed", the English speaking populations don't realize the fact that, despite of all this hypertension medication, each other citizen one day starts to suffer from hypertension, and finally dies by one of the sudden fatal "later consequences of hypertension" (heart attack, stroke, embolism), which in truth are the later consequences of an incompetent, inappropriate treatment, while the true causes of hypertension aren't removed from the patients nutrition, and the basis of the patient's natural health isn't re-established.

In such an environment, only those have real chances of survival, who stop to believe in the "modern medicine", and start by themselves to think, to observe, to analyze, and then make their own, independent practical experience. By this, they become their own "life savers".

Friedrichshafen, Germany, in the year 2004  Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer

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